If you watch movies because they're well written, have a good score and some nice shots, you'll LOVE this movie. If, like me, you also want the movie to be at least slightly interesting, you should probably pass this one by.
Don't be fooled by this films 86% rating on Rotten Tomatoes. I spent most of the movie waiting for something to happen while the main character constantly reminded me that he "didn't do anything". Ya, we know.... and we're waiting!
But I didn't give up and my patience was rewarded when things got a little interesting around the 105 minute mark; a mere 60 seconds before the credits rolled.
I won't bore you with an in depth discussion about what "happens" but I will tell you the morale of the story -
Life sucks, and sucks, and sucks some more. Then a small piece of good news comes your way right before you die a horrible horrible death. (Or perhaps just get badly maimed and lose a family member or two).
It was nominated for a BUNCH of awards by people who watched something better on their iPhones during the showing of this film. However, it only managed to pick up a couple of Best Screenplay and a few Best Cinematography awards. Also, one well deserved Virtuoso Award went to the star of the film, Michael Stuhlbarg, presented by some drunk guys at a vodka party.
Suggestion - Do Not Buy this Movie. Rent it if you feel you HAVE to see it. Better yet, go watch it at a friends house!
Theatrical Release: Oct 2, 2009 Wide
US Box Office: $9.2M
US Box Office: $9.2M