How nice it would be to be 7 years old again! I long to put on my snow pants, hat, coat & mitts and go gallivanting off into the winter wonderland that is just outside my door.
To build snow forts and snow men and snow angels and all the other marvelleous things which can only be made during this cold dismal season.
Funny how time changes ones perspective. Winter use to be a magical time and now it's just work!
As a kid a large snowfall meant a day off from school ; As an adult it means an extra hour in the morning to shovel the driveway and clear off the car.
Back then an ice covered sidewalk was a source of hours of fun slipping and sliding along with your friends ; now it means having to throw salt down before someone falls and you find yourself facing a lawsuit.
And of course Christmas was, at some point, the ultimate holiday. Two weeks free from school and a week into it you get a boat load of gifts you don't need and probably don't deserve. Plus you get to stuff yourself with all sorts of candy and wonderful food without worrying about calories. Now, of course, you work through the holidays and have to fit in a million extra tasks into your already hectic life. Go to the mall, wrap the gifts, send out cards, cook a turkey and wrestle some poor old lady in the middle of the grocery store for the last tin of cranberry sauce.
Why should the kids get all the fun? It may take a little extra effort and the willingness to put aside the to do list but perhaps as an adult we can still find some of that magic we use to relish as a child. Maybe if we could just put ourselves aside for a moment we could go sledding, have snow wars and laugh with friends. Find joy in the gray sky, and solace in the snow.
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