Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hmm...that was a complete failure

... well not a COMPLETE failure. I did get up early, but I didn't do my workout.
New plan.

A good friend of mine lost some weight a few years back and she found it helpful to have some accountability for her actions, or in actions as the case may be. What she did was email a friend everyday with a log of what she did and ate for the day. Just a quick note to say whether she was on track or not.

In a way I have been trying to accomplish the same feeling through this blog, the calorie count website and facebook but it's not working so well. Maybe having just one person to report to might help. I'm going to try it!


  1. did you pick someone yet? If not, I volunteer! I feel bad for not calling you and reminding you but then again I am usually just as bad as you are for falling right off the workout wagon!

  2. :) thanks! Actually I'm doing it with her but being accountable to two people who actually care about how well I do and at the same time being able to help those two people out as well, would be wonderful!

    I'll start sending you an email every night when I write to her... would that work?

    Don't feel bad for not calling... as you know I'm terrible with calling/emailing.... I read everyone of your blog posts on both blogs and I hardly ever comment... I know I'm a bad person but I'm trying to get better ;)
