Friday, April 23, 2010

Google makes everything easy... even walking!

So today I met up with a friend who I haven't seen in 13 years, because we decided we were going to go for a walk. It was great! I met a friend of hers, we chit-chatted about our old friends, what we've been doing for the last 13 years, and of course diet and exercise. She brought her 10 year old son Sebastian and he and Trinity played at a nearby park while we hoofed it through a very quiet and nicely manicured little area.

We were out for an hour and when I got home my legs were starting to feel the burn. So then I wondered... exactly how far did I walk today? So I went to Google Maps and using the Distance measuring tool I was able to determine that our hour long walk was equal to 5 km and mine and Trin's walk there and back was 2 km. Of course I had to go further.... I walk every break and lunch at work and was anxious to see what that walk added up to... the 45 minutes of walking at work equals about 2.5 km.

That means that today I walked a grand total of 9.5 km! And how many calories did I burn in that 9.5 km? According to Calorie Count, approximately 988!

That is FAN-FREAKING-TASTIC! I'm so excited!

Time for a hot shower and then I'm off to bed. Have to get up super early to help my parents with their move to Oshawa! Good Night!

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